
For this assignment, I combine different sounds from different space together, and rearrange to create “new space, I believe the possibilities of the sound space are infinite, and it can be reassembled and recreated without limit. I record several sounds like: walking, water drop, eating apple, unresponsive phone ring, microwave sound, key open the door… what I want to make is create a loneliness atmosphere- people back home, but no one there, only the sound of microwave, waterdrop and clock. She calls someone but no body answer. Also, I use the video as a “background”, you can see the video is busy scene, which the car driving on the street. However, my audio part is quieter and is more personal/ private space. I want to create the inner space and outer space. The comparation between “busy” and “loneliness”, what I want to represent is although we are on the earth and in this large urban side, we still a single “piece”, human is really “small” on this earth/ urban site, the feeling of loneliness is your own, nobody (earth/ urban/ other people) can understand. I try to show the differences between vision and hearing, they show the different context – loneliness sound and busy scene video. Also, I used left and right sound track, I try to create the “scene” of walking around. Furthermore, at the last part I used sound of clock, water drop, phone ring show the upset and loneliness.